Bio-Tech Organics



Bio-Tech Organics offers farmers a web consulting service aimed at providing answers relating to soil and plant analysis, products selection, application rates or general agronomic queries.

This service is free of charge and is designed to assist farmers make informed choices where soil , biological or chemical balance is required.

The internet is an excellent medium for fast turnaround of information and it is just a matter of emailing us with your query and we will respond as quickly as possible.


Bio-Tech Organics distributes a vast range of carbon-based and biological products second-to-none and believes the experience gained over many years together with the high-tech Eco-Ag products on offer can help progressive farmers gain a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of biological agriculture to help them change the way they farm without any misconceptions. Bio-Tech Organics supplies a range of products for use in all areas of plant production, whether for broad acre farming, horticulture, nursery, viticulture, golf clubs and turf or the home garden.

Many new ideas are evolving and Bio-Tech Organics is at the forefront of these new concepts.


Bio-Tech Organics in conjunction with Soil Value (Nutri-Tech Solutions) is now offering farmers a soil testing service through the Environmental Analysis Laboratory (EAL), located in Lismore, NSW. Bio-Tech Organics believes the analytical results of one of the most cost effective laboratories in the country to be both accurate and reliable, with a fast turnaround time of approximately 10 working days.

Soil testing information is available from our Biological Farming Centre (ph:8380 8554) where we can email the relevant forms to you on request. Cost for a full analysis is around $160.00 + gst (conditions apply) The full soil analysis includes: all major and secondary elements, TEC (total exchange capacity) and base saturation percentages of the cations.

On completion of the test and with results in hand a program can then be instigated in relation to the crop being grow

A Plant tissue analysis is also available. For more details just call our Biological Farming Centre.


Our Crop Monitoring Service is available to those local farmers wanting a consultant to visit their property. The progress of crops are closely monitored and someone is always on hand to give the farmer ‘peace of mind’ and assist them to understand what to look for, and assess ways to improve his/her crop production.

Regular visits may be conducted by one of our consultants during the course of a cropping cycle. These farm visits may occur every 10-14 days, monthly or bi-monthly, depending on crop type, workload and availability.

As this service is free of charge, growers are asked to contact us beforehand to make an appointment, if a farm visit is required.


Bio-Tech Organics now offers clients a new testing service, to assist farmers measure soil biological balance.

This service complements our on-going commitment to biological farming systems and will help farmers discover the organisms which are present in their soils and those which may need to be introduced or stimulated to colonize.

This valuable service is available through ‘Microbiology Laboratories Australia’ who are based in Adelaide.

Some of the tests available cover: Microbial analysis of Soils, Composts, Fertilisers, liquids, plants, crop diseases etc.

For more information on this service please contact our Biological Farming Centre.


Bio-Tech Organics can assist growers in targeting their inputs to maximize their production and sustainability. For all farmers the bottom line is vital to the on-going farm enterprise so costs are a major consideration in formulating programs to suit various crop production systems.

Products which help to conserve water are high on the list for Bio-Tech Organics, so too microbial products which enhance the soil food-web, helping plants grow more naturally.

Our advise is designed to give the farmer an idea of the more important targets to aim at when trying to ameliorate their soils and improve production. Programs can be of a ‘bare bones’ nature, or something more comprehensive, depending on their budget.


Bio-Tech Organics believes education and training is essential for farmers, horticultural employees, Ag-consultants and even keen gardeners interested in this style of agriculture so a training manual has been developed for the benefit of those wanting to learn more about the biological concepts practiced locally.

This agronomic training manual contains vital information on the concepts used by Bio-Tech Organics and is aimed at the local horticulture market, however the manual will be usefull in all types of farming. It can be purchased for $88.00 (inc gst).